Consultancy/Knowledge Exchange
ManchesterCFD regularly partners with companies in innovative research projects, funded through InnovateUK's Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) scheme at the University of Manchester (more info). The team also offers CFD consultancy and 'Industry-Inspired' student projects at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
As experts in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Flow Analysis with over 60 research publications in some of the highest impact journals, we offer a unique, high quality and professional service by world class CFD experts which includes chartered CFD engineers and scientists in an extensive range of areas.
Our team consists of CFD experts and CFD specialists with Doctorate or Masters degrees in Engineering and many years of CFD experience. We also have access to powerful computational resources and a wide range of specialised simulation packages.

Areas of Expertise
Heat Transfer
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Wind Microclimate
Design Optimisation
Net Zero
Energy Storage
​Porous Media
Multi-phase Flow
Medical Device Design
Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence
Funding and Fee Estimation
Due to the urgency of most engineering projects, all industrial enquiries including consultancy, innovateUK-related (e.g. KTP, IAA, etc) submitted through the 'Contact Us' section are dealt with urgently. Alternatively, to discuss your project and to get advice on costing or funding options, please contact Dr Amir Keshmiri on +44 (0)161 820 1686 (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm) for more information.

Smoke Modelling
CFD modelling to assess the effectiveness of smoke extraction from the carpark for a large building and its effects on the building. The model used accurate regional wind data an smoke was modelled by chemical species.
Sector: Building Services | Company: McAleer&McGarrity, Ireland.

Design Optimisation
The CFD-based shape optimisation and parametric studies of ribs in the cooling channels of heat exchangers using advanced optimisation techniques to assess the heat transfer enhancement level and finding the optimum geometrical configuration.
Sector: Energy | Company: EDF Energy, UK.

Automotive Coupling System
CFD modelling of a new automotive coupling system and validation of the results against experimental data. The simulations included heat transfer and turbulence and the simulations results were consistent with data.
Sector: Automotive | Company: John Crane, UK.

Wind Microclimate
The wind magnitude and pedestrian comfort levels were calculated using CFD for the London Olympic Park legacy masterplan as part of the sustainability study.
Sector: Environmental Impact | Company: London Olympic Legacy , UK.

Heart Pump Cannula
Different types of connection (anastomosis) of ventricular assist devices (VADs) have been simulated using advanced medical image processing and CFD simulations techniques with direct clinical input.
Sector: Healthcare | Company: MedSimTech, UK.

Ventilation Systems & Covid-19
Simulation of the ventilation system in the award-winning new hospice building and risk assessment of COVID-19 under different scenarios and evaluating the impact of natural ventilation in spread of the virus.
Sector: HVAC | Company: St Richard's Hospice, UK.

Industrial Mixing Reactor
Simulation and design optimisation of a large industrial mixing reactor used in the petrochemical industry, simulated using advanced 2-phase models.
Sector: Petrochemical | Company: Ingevity, USA.

MEMS Microthruster
Simulation and design optimisation of a MEMS microthruster with an aim of analysing the flow and heat transfer in the combustor and obtaining fluid temperatures near the walls.
Sector: Aerospace | Company: URA THRUSTERS, UK.

Ultra Clean Room Simulation
CFD simulation of different ventilation systems and designs, for different industries, with particular expertise in modelling complex and novel designs for hospitals, workshops and laboratories.
Sector: Healthcare | Company: Medical Air Technologies, UK.

Internal Ventilation
Design and CFD modelling of the internal ventilation system of a large academic building in Manchester, where two novel atria were designed and tested, utilising innovative heat transfer concepts.
Sector: Building Services| Company: MMU Facilities, UK.

UV Water Reactor
CFD simulation of an ultra-violet (UV) reactor designed for clean water processing. The CFD simulations involved radiative and convective heat transfer with additional physics implemented through customised funtions.
Sector: Health&Safety | Company: Xylem Water Solutions, UK.

Shore Breaker Surf
Modelling, simulation and design of a large scale shore breaker, capable of pumping out continuous 6 feet (1.8m) high barrelling waves every 4-5 seconds.
Sector: Hydraulics | Company: Murphy Waves, UK.

Urban Heat Island Effects
The Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects have been simulated using CFD and estimated for several different blocks in built areas and the environmental impact of these developments have been estimated.
Sector: Environmental Impact | Company: AECOM, UK.

Duel Engine Exhaust
A duel engine exhaust into a single exhaust system was simulated. Details of the mixing chamber as well as complicated heat transfer effects were accounted for in the model. Comparison was made successfully against lab data.
Sector: Automotive | Company: EnerG, UK.

Fluidised Bed Reactor
CFD simulation and design optimisation of an industrial-scale Fluidised-Bed Dryer (FBD) containing millions of wet polymer particles to be dried through fluidisation.
Sector: Petrochemical | Company: SCG Chemical, Thailand

Modular Meeting Pod
Simulation and design optimisation of a novel reconfigurable, modular meeting pods and assessing different scenarios and its impact on the ventilation and fresh air circulation in the pod.
Sector: HVAC | Company: OrangeBox, UK.

Heat Transfer in Atmospheric Tanks
CFD simulation of a large storage tank containing a highly viscous fluid with an aim of designing the most efficient heating element configuration in the tank through natural and mixed convection and calculating heat loss through different parts of the tank.
Sector: Oil&Gas | Company: Engie, UK.

Design Optimisation
CFD-based shape optimisation of a Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) system. The optimisation was based on suction force as well as the number of particles travelling through the bellmouth.
Sector: Manufacturing | Company: AEM Products, UK.

Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor
The coolant in the fuel elements of the UK fleet of AGRs nuclear reactors was simulated using an accurate CFD model with advanced heat transfer. It revealed important information about the core flows and potential heat impairment within the core.
Sector: Nuclear | Company: EDF Energy UK.

Subject-Specific Heart Diseases
CFD modelling of blood flow in patient-specific aortic dissection configurations. The models were created based on CT scan data provided by the hospital.
Sector: Healthcare | Company: Vascular surgery, Sant Pau Hospital, Spain.

Optimisation of 'Thermocill'
Simulation and design optimisation of an innovative device used to divert heat from radiators towards windows with an aim of reducing energy loss through the windows and removing condensation/mould.
Sector: Energy | Company: Thermocill limited & Salford Energy House, UK.

A Novel Spacer for Inhalers
Design optimisation of an innovative spacer to be used with metered dose inhalers (MDI) with a novel design to enhance mixing air and Salbutamol using fully-transient, multiphase particle-tracking CFD method and accounting for particle interactions.
Sector: Healthcare| Company: Inhaler+, UK.

Ultra Clean Room Ventilation
Simulation and design optimisation of a cleanroom ventilation by simulating different scenarios and assessing the effectiveness of ventilation system.
Sector: Manufacturing | Company: Rolls-Royce, UK.

Ultra Clean Room Ventilation
Simulation and design optimisation of a novel mobile wastewater treatment line utilising nano-bubble injection, simulated using advanced 2-phase flow models.
Sector: Water & Utilities | Company: Oxfiniti, UK/USA.